Materi Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 Part 2

Materi Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 Part 2

Adjectives adalah kalimat yang mendeskripsikan ciri khas atau status menjadi kata benda (noun). Dengan kata lain, Adjectives adalah kalimat yang merubah nouns.

Demonstrative Adjectives
Kalimat demonstrative adjectives memodifikasi sebuah noun atau pronoun (kata ganti) di dalam kalimat sambil menekankan betapa pentingnya kalimat tersebut. Demonstrative adjectives pada umumnya menggunakan kalimat “this”, “that”, “these” dan “those”. demonstrative adjectives ditempatkan sebelum noun atau pronoun dan memberi tahu pendengar kalimat mana yang maknanya dimodifikasi secara spesifik.

Bentuk tunggal utama dari demonstrative adjectives adalah :
o   This : merujuk terhadap seseorang atau suatu object yang berada didekat pembicara, maupun kejadian yang sedang berlangsung. Example : This day couldn’t get any worse than this!
o   That: merujuk terhadap seseorang atau suatu object yang berada di kejauhan. Example : That castle in the mountanis over there once belonged to Sir Arthur

Bentuk jamak utama lain dari demonstrative adjectives adalah :
These : merujuk terhadap lebih dari satu object yang berada didekat pembicara. Example : These clothes suits me perfectly
Those : merujuk terhadap lebih dari satu object yang berada di kejauhan. Example : Those puppies are really adorable

Terdapat dua demonstrative adjectives lain yang tidak terlalu umum, yakni “yon” dan “yonder”, dalam praktiknya kedua kalimat terseebut dapat ditukar. Kedua kalimat tersebut tidak banyakn digunakan di Bahasa Inggris modern, namun sering ditemukan pada literature seperti dalam kalimat terkenal dari Romeo dan Juliet karya Shakespeare : "What light through yonder window breaks?"
Yon dan Yonder memiliki makna yang sama, keduanya merujuk kapada suatu object yang berada di kejauhan
o   The storm has scared yonder sheeps
o   I had to cross yon river to get home.

Demonstrative Adjective Demonstrative adjective memiliki beberapa pasangan kalimat demonstrative adjective khusus, yakni “the one” (terkadang hanya “one”) dan “the other”; serta “the forrmer” dan “the latter”. Kedua kalimat tersebut merujuk kepada dua hal yang sudah disebutkan di dalam kalimat. Example :
  • Do I stay in or go out? On the one hand, I have lots of homework to do, but on the other, the weather is too nice to stay indoors.
  • Our two options are buying a new house or renting a new apartment, the former is preferable for the family, but the latteris less expensive.

Angka Ordinal (first, second, third, fourth, fifth,...) dapat berperan sebagai demonstrative adjectives, jumlah adjectives ini tak terhingga. Kalimat mudah ditemukan dengan beberapa pengecualian, terutama kalimat yang berakhiran “–th”
  • The first paycheck I received was for $450.
  • The seventh day of the week is Sunday.
  • This is the second time I failed the Interview.
  • After my third piece of pizza, I was stuffed.

Qualitative Adjectives
Kalimat qualitative adjectives digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan              kualitas / fitur / opini / penilaian / ciri khas dari suatu noun. Kalimat qualitative adjectives bersifat gradable (dapat dimodifikasi di depan atau belakangnya dengan adverb of degree). Qualitative adjective juga memiliki bentuk comparative, superlative, dan positive. Qualitative adjective menilai aksi yang dilakukan oleh subject
Example :
o   The big bowl is full of appetizing raspberries.
o   Cold winds warned us of the coming of a horriblestorm.
o   In the canyon, wild horses grazed on the tall grass.
o   The burger was delightful.
o   I am such a lucky man to have an amazing woman like her as my wife

Quantitative Adjectives
Kalimat qualitative adjectives digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan pengukuran, perhitungan, ataupun jumlah mahluk hidup ataupun mahluk tidak hisup (object). Meski demikian pengukurannya tidak tepat. Quantitative adjective hanya memberikan inforasi mengenai jumlah mahluk hidup / suatu objek dan tidak menilai aksi yang dilakukan oleh subject.
Example :
  • These ignorant people have no common sense.
  • I can see enough juice in the jug for the breakfast.
  • Little knowledge is dangerous.
  • I did not give him any chocolates from my bag.
  • I gave him sufficient money for the picnic and shopping.

Attributive Adjectives
Attributive adjectives adalah adjectives yang terletak sebelum kata noun pada suatu kalimat.
Example :
o   The crimson flame
o   The young lady
o   Happy babies

Predicative Adjectives
Predicative adjectives adalah adjectives yang terletak setelah kata noun pada suatu kalimat dan pada umumnya didahului oleh kata verb seperti “be”, “become”, “grow”, “look”, atau “seem”.
Example :
o   The stars are shining brilliantly tonight
o   That woman is cunning
o   I grow up to be a knight

Adverbs  adalah kata yang digunakan untuk mengubah, memodifikasi atau mengkualifikasi beberapa jenis kata termasuk adjective, verb, klausa, adverb lain, atau jenis kata atau frasa lain selain determiner dan adjective, yang memodifikasi noun (kata benda) secara langsung.
Secara tradisional dianggap sebagai bagian tunggal dari kata-kata, adverb melakukan berbagai fungsi, membuatnya sulit untuk mengkelompokkan mereka sebagai satu kategori tunggal. Namun, mudah menemukan adverb, terutama yang berakhiran “-ly” pada suatu kalimat. Adverb biasanya membantu mendeskripsikan bagaimana sesuatu terjadi. Seperti :
o   When? She always arrives early.
o   How? He drives carefully.
o   Where? They go everywhere together.
o   In what way? She eats slowly.
o   To what extent? It is terribly hot.

Terdapat banyak aturan dalam penggunaan adverbs, aturan ini seringkali tergantung dari jenis adverb yang digunakan. Aturan dasar penggunaan adverb antara lain :
o   Adverb dapat digunakan untuk memodifikasi verbs
o   Adverb sering dibentuk dengan menambahkan kata “-ly” ke adjectives, meski demikian terdapat beberapa pengecualian untuk aturan ini, misalnya everywhere, nowhere, and upstairs.
o   Adverb dapat digunakan untuk memodifikasi sebuah adjective dan menguatkan maknanya.

Jenis – jenis Adverbs
Adverbs of Manner
Adverb of manner menjelaskan bagaimana suatu aksi dilakukan, adverb of manner seringkali merupakan adjectives yang berakhiran “-ly”, namun tidak semuanya karena beberapa adjectives memiliki pengejaan yang sama dengan bentuk kalimat adverb of manner-nya
Examples :
  • They passed the exam easily.
  • We run quickly to catch the plane.
  • The Trial went badly.
  • Jeanne answered the question correctly.
  • The boys had worked hard.
  • The truck drives.
  • Itsuki dances well.

Adverbs of place
Adverbs of place membantu menjelaskan dimana suatu aksi terjadi. Adverbss of place berhubungan aksi dari verb pada kalimat dengan menyediakan konteks untuk arah, jarak, dan posisi. Kata tersebut tidak biasanya berakhiran “-ly”.
Examples :
  • Hokkaido is located north of Japan
  • They traveled down the mountainside.
  • First, I looked here, and then I looked there, but I can’t find her anywhere.

Patut diperhatikan bahwa kata “here” dan “there” sering digunakan di awal kalimat untuk mengekspresikan penekanan atau tanda seru.
Examples :
  • Here comes The Hero!.
  • There is hostility in the air.
  • Here you are!

Adverbs of place sering digunakan sebagai prepositions juga, perbedaanya adalah ketika digunakan sebagai preposition, Adverbs of place selalu didahului oleh sebuah noun.
Examples :
  • New York is located north of Philadelphia -> New York is on the map.
  • They travelled down river -> They travelled in the first compartment.
  • That kitty was running around by itself-> We put a collar around its neck.

  • There was a Tanks
  • Anne is moving far away.
  • Mika is sitting close to me.
  • The treasure lies underneath the box.
  • The dog is sleeping on the bed.
  • Why are you standing in the middle of the corn field?

Beberapa adverbs of place merujuk pada arah dari suatu pergerakan yang seringkali berakhiran “-ward” atau “-wards”.
Examples :
  • Alexander The Great travelled onward to India.
  • Tendou looked upwards to the heavens.
  • Richillieu, move forward to the front of the queue, please.

Adverbs of Frequency
Adverbs of frequency digunakan untuk menggambarkan berapa kali atau seberapa sering suatu hal terjadi. Adverbs of frequency dibagi menjadi dua grup
adverbs of indefinite frequency : kalimat yang memiliki makna yang tidak jelas mengenai seberapa lama, ataupun seberpa sering, sesuatu terjadi / berlangsung. Contohnya “usually”, “always’, ‘normally”.
Examples :
  • The adverb is usually placed before the main verb.
  • I can normally make the shot.
  • I will always love

Coordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions dapat menyambungkan kalimat (words), frasa (phrases), dan klausa (clauses).
Kata Coordinating conjunctions cenderung terdiri dari kata-kata dengan jumlah sedikit, termasuk kalimat "and," "so," "for," dan "but." namun, mereka memiliki fungsi yang luas.
Terdapat tujuh kata Coordinating conjunctions, yang dapat mudah diingat dengan singkatan FANBOYS. ketujuh kata tersebut antara lain :
o   For = menjelaskan alasan atau tujuan.
o   And = menambahkan suatu hal ke hal lainnya.
o   Nor = digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah pernyataan negatif lainnya kepada sebuah pernyataan negatif yang sudah dinyatakan sebelumnya.
o   But = menunjukkan sebuah perbandingan.
o   Or = menyatakan sebuah pilihan / alternatif.
o   Yet = memperkenalkan sebuah pernyataan perbandingan yang mengikuti pernyataan sebelumnya secara logis (mirip dengan but).
o   So = mengindikasikan efek, hasil atau sebuah konsekuensi

Dalam membentuk kalimat dengan Coordinating conjunctions, terdapat aturan tertentu dalam penempatan tanda koma (,).

Apabila sebuah Coordinating conjunctions menggabungkan dua Independent Clause (klausa independen), kedua klausa tersebut membutuhkan sebuah tanda koma. Klausa independen dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat lengkap.

  • The Sage go to the mountains every full moon, for he to gaze upon on.
  • She prefers strawberries, and lemon in her homemade cake.
  • Erebus neither like nor hate loneliness.
  • Enterprise likes many fruits, but lemon is an execption.
  • Did they prefer to make actions alone or working together with others?
  • Bismarck managed to defeat The Siren, yet she failed to save herself.
  • Baltimore likes sport activities, so she’s an athletic girl.

Subordinating Conjuctions
Subordinating conjuctions adalah sebuah kata yang menghubungkan sebuah klausa independen (Independent Clause) kepada sebuah klausa dependen (Dependent Clause). Klausa independen tidak memerlukan informasi tambahan untuk bertindak sebagai suatu kalimat utuh (dapat berdiri sendir sebagai sebuah kalimat). Klausa dependen menambahkan informasi tambahan kepada klausa utama. Klausa ini tidak dapat berdiri sendiri dan makna dari klausa ini bergantung kepada klausa independen.

Sebenarnya, tanpa kita sadari, kita sudah sering menggunakan Subordinating Conjuctions dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Terdapat banyak Subordinating conjuctions dalam Bahaa Inggris.

Subordinating conjuctions yang paling umum digunakan antara lain :
o   After
o   Although
o   As
o   As long as
o   Because
o   Before
o   Even if
o   If
o   Once
o   Now That
o   Since
o   Though
o   Unless
o   When
o   Where
o   While

Apabila sebuah klausa dependen mendahului sebuah klausa independen, maka awal dari klausa independen harus diawali oleh tanda koma (,). Apabila klausa independen yang mendahului kluasa dependen, kedua klausa tersebut tidak perlu dipisahkan dengan tanda koma (,).

Contoh :
o   He only return after he save his parents.
o   Although Justice is fair to all, not everyone will accept it.
o   As she saw the remains of her village, her eyes filled with tears of sorrow.
o   As long as hope still exists, the rebellion will never surrender against all odds.
o   Roon is sent to Special Containment Facility because she’s trying to murder her commander out of jealousy.
o   Akagi was quickly apprehended by Amagi before she attacks Shoukaku.
o   Even if the planet is nearly destroyed, ‘He’ will do whatever he can to restore the planet.
o   If the boundary of time and space is broken, the universe will be destroyed.
o   Once you became a immortal, you cannot return to the realm of mortals for eternity.
o   Now that Perzival has become the owner of the OASIS, he has the right to regulate the OASIS.
o   Portland has become nearly mad ever since the death of Indianapolis.
o   They still trusts the Shield Hero even though he’s accused for the crime he never did.
o   They’ll never win the competition unless they trusts each other.
o   I’ll keep the Tome of Wisdom until you really need it.
o   When we’re handcuffed by the police, we know that we’re in huge trouble.
o   I hugged her tightly while she’s crying.

Correlative Conjuctions
Correlative conjuctions merupakan dua kata berpasangan yang ditempatkan pada tempat yang berbeda dalam kalimat. Correlative Conjuctions mendapat namanya dari fakta bahwa mereka berkerja sama (co-) dan menghubungkan suatu elemen kalimat dengan elemen kalimat lain.
Contoh kata-kata Correlative conjuctions yang umum digunakan antara lain :
o   Both/and
o   Either/or
o   Not/but
o   Not only/but also
o   As/as
o   Such/that
o   Scarcely/when
o   as many/as
o   no sooner/than
o   rather/than

Contoh :
o   They’re using both Federation and Imperial weapons in battle.
o   The concubine want either the emperor’s heart or the elimination of her rivals.
o   I see you’re not interested in wealth but in vengeance. We share the same goal Mr. Wick
o   Not only you’ve became a bounty for ‘The High Table’ but also got betrayed by your best friend, The Leader of ‘Continentale’.
o   Hating the people who against you isn’t as helpful as understanding each other.
o   She saw such horrifying scene outside of her house that she’s become scared of leaving her house anymore.
o   Dad was scarcely leaving us when he got the news of our grandmother’s death.
o   There are as many hopes for this world as the number of the stars in the skies.
o   She would no sooner escape than leaving her lover for good.
o   We would rather convicted for treason than serving the tyrant ruler

Passive Voice
Passive voice (kalimat pasif) adalah suatu bentuk kalimat dimana subjek (Subject) kalimat tidak melakukan aksi, melainkan menerima aksi. Aksi ditindaklanjuti oleh agent lain (sebagai doer of action) yang dapat disebutkan ataupun tidak. Fungsi dari Passive voice antara lain :
1.      Passive voice digunakan untuk memfokuskan aksi pada kalimat, meskipun siapa/apa yang melakukannya tidak diketahui / kurang penting (mengabaikan siapa/apa yang melakukannya). Contoh : Several Ancient Artifacts has been stolen.
2.      Pada situasi tertentu, Passive voice lebih sopan dibandingkan dengan active voice (kalimat aktif). Contoh : her staff was broken.

Bentuk umum passive voice :
Subject + Auxiliary verb + Past Participle (Verb) +/- by... (doer of action)
ketika menyusun kalimat passive voice ada beberapa hal yang patut diingat :
o   Objek (Object) dari kalimat menjadi subjek dari kalimat pasif
o   Verb kalimat pasif memiliki bentuk yang sesuai dari : to be (tense dari active voice main verb) + past participle
o   Subjek dari kalimat pasif menjadi objek dari kalimat pasif atau dihilangkan

Rumus Passive voice berbagai Tenses :
Active Voice
Passive Voice
am/is/are + verb-3
am/is/are + -ing
am/is/are + being + -ing
have/has + verb-3
have/has + been + verb-3
was/were + verb-3
was/were + -ing
was/were + being + verb-3
had + verb-3
had + been + verb-3
will + be + verb-3

am/is/are going to + bare infinitive
am/is/are going to + be + verb-3
will + have + verb-3
will + have + been + verb-3

Contoh [*=jenis tense ]:
o   She was paid in euros       (*1)
o   The formula is being solved right now (*2)
o   That problem has been resolved by our families (*3)
o   The world tree wasn’t destroyed by Cenarius (*4)
o   We were being trapped by the perpetrator (*5)
o   The Crimson Crystal had been protected by the Phoenix for a millennia (*6)
o   The Celestial Emmisarry will be greeted by our leader tomorrow. (*7)
o   I am going to be promoted by the manager. (*7)
o   Our Supplies will have been prepared by her. (*8)

Causative Verb
Causative verb merupakan sebuah verb yang menunjukkan subjek (Subject) membuat sesorang atau sesuatu            melakukan sebuah aksi. Contoh causative verb yaitu: 
o   allow
o   cause
o   confince
o   enable
o   force
o   get
o   have
o   help
o   hold
o   keep
o   lead
o   let
o   make
o   motivate
o   permit
o   require
o   let [*]
o   make [*]
o   have [*]
o   get. [*]
* = paling sering digunakan
Rumus dari Active Causative Structure :
S + causative verb + agent + action verb (bare infinitive / infinitive)
causative verb yang diikuti bare infinitive:
o   have
o   help
o   let
o   make
causative verb yang diikuti infinitive:
o   allow
o   cause
o   convince
o   enable
o   force
o   get
o   lead
o   motivate
o   permit
o   require      

Rumus dari Passive Causative Structure :
S + causative verb + object + action verb (past participle)
causative verb yang diikuti past participle adalah get dan have

Makna dan Contoh Kalimat Causative Verb Let, Make, Have, Get, dan Help
Letmakehaveget masing-masing memiliki makna dan rumus yang berbeda  sebagai causative verb.
1.      Let berfungsi untuk membiarkan seseorang/sesuatu melakukan suatu hal. Struktur causative verb ini adalah : let + agent + bare infinitive
2.      Make berfungsi untuk membuat seseorang/sesuatu melakukan suatu hal secara paksa. Struktur causative verb ini adalah : make + agent + bare infinitive
3.      Have berfungsi untuk meminta seseorang/sesuatu melakukan sesuatu ATAU meminta seseorang/sesuatu menyelesaikan suatu hal. Struktur causative verb ini adalah : have + agent + bare infinitive ATAU have + object + past participle.
4.      Get juga berfungsi sama seperti causative verb make, namun memiliki struktur kalimat yang berbeda. Struktur causative verb ini adalah : get + agent + infinitive ATAU get + object + past participle.
5.      Help berfungsi untuk membantu/mendampingi seseorang/sesuatu untuk menyelesaikan suatu hal. Struktur causative verb ini adalah : help + agent + bare infinitive.

Contoh :
o   She let the culprit escape.
o   They’re allow us to give her proper medication.
o   The warship had its engine disabled.
o   He got our funds secured.
o   Please don’t make his highness angry.
o   Could you help us defending the caravan from bandits?

Relative Clauses
Relative Clauses (dikenal juga dengan sebutan Adjective Clauses) adalah sebuah klausa dependen (Dependent Clauses) berperan sebagai kata sifat (adjective) yang menerangkan kata benda (noun) atau kata ganti (pronoun) pada klausa utama (main clause) suatu complex sentence (kalimat yang terdiri dari independent clause dan satu atau lebih dependent clause).

Adjective clause dibentuk dengan suatu kata yang disebut relative pronoun. Relative Pronouns adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan kalimat, yang menerangkan noun. Subjec (Subject) pada kalimat dapat berupa manusia, hewan, atau benda. penggunaan relative pronoun, tidak lepas dari relative clause. Relative clause terdiri dari relative pronoun yang diikuti dengan kalimat independen lengkap dengan subjek dan kata kerja.

Rumus relative pronoun :
Subject + Verb + Object (Noun) + relative pronoun + Subject + Verb
Subject (Noun) + relative pronouns + Subject + Verb + Adverb/keterangan + Verb
Kalimat relative pronoun yang umum digunakan antara lain :
1. That
That sebagai kata ganti untuk orang dan benda sebagai subject atau object untuk menjelaskan relative clause (merupakan klausa yang penting untuk kalimat dan tidak hanya sebagai penambahan info).
That digunakan sebagai kata ganti atau relative pronoun yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan subject atau object untuk menjelaskan relative clause. Kata that dapat dipadukan dengan jenis noun seperti manusia, hewan dan benda mati. That juga memiliki fungsi yang netral yang bisa menggantikan “who/which/whom”.
Contoh :
o   The person who stays by my side is a person I really need. = The person that stays by my side is a person I really need.
o   The mysterious mech which attacked me was otherwordly. =
o   The mysterious mech that attacked me was otherwordly.
o   The plane crash that happened yesterday resulted in ten people missing.
o   The odd stones that we bought from a peddler yesterday turns out to be the lost national treasure items.
o   The song that they heard yesterday is not a ordinary song, it’s a brainwashing song.

2. Which
Which berfungsi sebagai relative pronoun yang menggantikan subject dan objectyang berbentuk kata benda selain manusia. Bisa berbentuk barang, peristiwa maupun hewan. Saat menggunakan which adanya penggunaan subject tidak diharuskan dan Anda bisa langsung menambahkan kata kerja. Hal ini disebabkan karena kata which bisa berfungsi sebagai sebuah subjek.
Contoh :
o   Dila adopt the child which is abandoned by its parents.
o   This is really a good deal of stuff which I believe is the cheapest in town.
o   Didi went to diving in Raja Ampat which he believes the most beautiful underwater park.
o   Did she still have the dress which I gave her 2 years ago?
o   I don’t want to go to the place which reminds me of our parents death

3. Who
Who berfungsi sebagai relative pronoun menggantikan subject orang bukan hewan atau lainnya. Who sebagai relative pronoun memiliki arti “yang”. Kata ini memang ditempatkan setelah noun namun hanya noun yang merupakan orang. Meskipun rumus relative pronoun membutuhkan struktur subject dan verb setelahnya, namun who tidak membutuhkan subject, kita bisa langsung menempatkan verb setelahnya karena kata who juga dianggap sebagai subjek.
Contoh :
o   That soldier is someone who will do his best to protect his comrades.
o   The girl who got the perfect score in the academy is the new recruit.
o   I believe someone who believes in themselves will more likely to succeed than someone who is not.
o   It’s clear that you are not someone who willing to betray the group.
o   Danny didn’t want to be friend with someone who lied to him.

4. Whom
Whom adalah relative pronoun yang digunakan untuk menggantikan objek yang berbentuk orang, bukan hewan atau yang lainnya.
o   The lady whom everyone in the neighbourhood loves passed away last Friday.
o   The man whom I adore is Keanu Reeves.
o   The man named Ashton whom you working with is getting married tomorrow, will you come?
o   The girl whom I met a week ago calls me just last night.
o   She finally met the veteran whom everyone was talking about.

5. Whose
Whose adalah relative pronoun yang berfungsi mengganti possessive pronoun (kata ganti kepemilikan). Kata whose juga memiliki makna “yang”, dan digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepunyaan atau kepemilikan seseorang terhadap sesuatu.
Contoh :
Do you hear what happened to that man whose family stays in that house? He got an accident recently.
o   Helena is married to a man whose father is the Admiral of The Eagle Union Fleet.
o   Tiara whose jacket has lost yesterday is seen this morning wearing the new coat.
o   Maya whose father will be our judge today is not coming to the court.
o   The Prince whose wife has Blood Cancer will lead a new expedition soon.

Sebuah relative clause dapat digunakan secara restrictive maupun non-restrictive.
Restrictive clause adalah sebuah klausa yang tidak dapat  dihilangkan dari kalimat. apabila dihilangkan, maka makna dari kalimat tersebut dapat berubah / menjadi rancu. Who, whom, which, dan that dapat digunakan pada restrictive clause. klausa ini tidak menggunakan tanda koma (,)
contoh :
The person who disobeyed the chief cannot leave the hall
artinya, tidak semua orang (person) tidak boleh meninggalkan aula (hall), hanya orang yang  tdak mematuhi ketuanya (chief) yang tidak boleh meninggalkan aula.. apabila kalimat yang digarisbawahi dihilangkan, maka makna kalimat ini akan berubah.

Non-restrictive clause adalah sebuah klausa yang dapat  dihilangkan dari kalimat karena klausa ini hanya berisi informasi tambahan. Sehingga apabila dihilangkan, makna dari kalimat tidak akan berubah. Hanya kata who, whom, dan which yang dapat digunakan pada klausa ini. Klausa ini dibentuk dari klausa lain dengan menambahkan tanda koma (,).
contoh :
The Falken, which is built from the latest technology, is extremely hard to controlled plane.
artinya Falken yang dibuat dari teknologi terbaru, sangat sulit untuk dikendalikan. apabila kalimat yang digaris bawahi dihilangkan, maka tidak akan merubah makna kalimat bahwa Falken sangat sulit untuk dikendalikan.

Question Tags 
(Pertanyaan Tegas) adalah suatu pertanyaan  pendek di akhir kalimat pernyataan yang berfungsi untuk mempertegas pernyataan yang bersangkutan.
Contoh :
o   He didn’t harm herdid he?
o   All of you are not telling me the truthare you?
o   Jintsuu is doing her job overnight again, isn’t she? 

Participal Adjective 
adalah adjective (kata sifat) yang berbentuk V+ing  (Present Participle) dan V+ed (Past Participle).
Contoh :
o   Long Island is sleepy because she had a tiring mission today.
o   The direction to the bunker was confusing. we are lost.
o   So much work was overwhelming. The staff are overwhelmed.

adalah kata-kata yang tidak perlu dalam sebuah kalimat. Redundancy adalah pengulangan ide yang tidak perlu.
1. Penggunaan kata atau frase yang tidak perlu.
Redundant : The hat was red in colour.
ProperThe hat was red.

2. Pengulangan noun atau pronoun yang tidak perlu.
Redundant : Theresa she ran into Yae’s room and throws a pillow at her.
ProperTheresa ran into Yae’s room and throws a pillow at her.

3. Penggunaan frase yang terlalu boros yang sebenarnya ada adverb yang bisa digunakan.
Wordy : Dio looked at Joseph in a menacing manner.
ProperDio looked at Joseph menacingly.

Sequence Of Tenses
1. Apabila ada dua kejadian yang terjadi secara berurutan langsung, maka tenses yang dipakai adalah simple past dan simple past Ciri-ciri : tidak ada jeda waktu dan biasanya ada sebab akibat.
Contoh :
After he cured the patients, the doctor passed away due to fatigue.
Before the cataclysm happened, Atlanta already left the nation in secrecy.
Conjunction : after, before, when, as soon as

2.  Apabila ada dua kejadian yang terjadi secara berurutan tidak langsung, maka tenses yang dipakai adalah past perfect dan simple past. Ciri-ciri : kejadian mana yang pertama dalam kalimat itu menggunakan past perfect, dan kejadian yang kedua menggunakan past tense.      
Contoh :
They went overseas when Lily had taken an graduation exam.
As soon as the police came, the terrorist had destroyed the hotel.
Conjunction : as soon as, after, before, when
3.  Apabila ada kejadian pertama sudah berlangsung beberapa saat pada durasi waktu tertentu ketika kejadian kedua terjadi, maka tenses yang dipakai adalah past perfect continuous dan simple past.
When I visited her yesterday, she had been expecting my arrival.
They had been playing Azur Lane for an hour when she came.
Conjunction : when

4. Apabila kejadian pertama berlangsung ketika kejadian kedua terjadi, maka tenses yang dipakai adalah past continuous dan simple past.
Contoh :  
I was taking a bath while she screamed for help.
She was preparing the logistics as I visited her.
Conjunction : when, while, as

5.  Apabila ada dua kejadian yang terjadi secara bersamaan maka tenses yang dipakai adalah past continuous dan past continuous.
Peter and Uncle Ben was having a fun chat while Aunt May was cooking
I was practicing exorcism ritual when my parents were traveling.
Conjunction : when, while, was

Indirect Object
adalah nounpronoun, atau noun substitute yang menerangkan untuk siapa atau apa sesuatu dilakukan oleh action verb. Objek ini menjawab pertanyaan “to/for whom” atau “to/for what”. Suatu kata kerja diikuti indirect object hanya jika memiliki direct object. Kedua objek tersebut selalu orang, tempat, benda, binatang, maupun hal yang berbeda.
Contoh :
The Beast gave her the ancient herb. –> Gave the ancient herb to whom?
The person with the title of “The Sun” donated his/her salary to charity. –> Donated his/her salary to what


Kalimat berikut ini sering di salahgunakan oleh pembicara bahasa inggris asli (native) dan pembicara bahasa inggris non-asli (non-native), ini dikarenakan mereka memiliki pengucapan yang sangat mirip, sehingga orang-orang tidak dapat membedakannya. ada pula kalimat yang menggunakan pengucapan yang sama, namun menggunakan pengejaan, serta memiliki makna yang berbeda. Kalimat-kalimat tersebut dikategorikan sebagai kalimat homonyms.

  • ANGEL (noun) - a spiritual or heavenly being. The Christmas card portrayed a choir of angels hovering over the shepherds.
  • ANGLE (noun) - a figure formed by two lines meeting at a common point. The carpenters placed the planks at right angles.
  • CITE (verb) - quote as an example. In her term paper, Janis had to cite many references.
  • SITE (noun) - location. The corner of North Main and Mimosa Streets will be the site of the new shopping center.
  • SIGHT (a) (noun) - a device used to assist aim (of a gun or telescope). Through the sight of the rifle, the soldier spotted the enemy, (b) (noun) - view. Watching the landing of the space capsule was a pleasant sight, (c) (verb) - see. We sighted a ship in the bay.
  • COSTUME (noun) - clothing, typical style of dress. We all decided to wear colonial costumes to the Fourth of July celebration.
  • CUSTOM (noun) - a practice that is traditionally followed by a particular group of people. It is a custom in Western Europe for little boys to wear short pants to school.
  • DECENT (adjective) - respectable or suitable. When one appears in court, one must wear decent clothing.
  • DESCENT (noun) (a) - downward motion. The mountain climbers found their descent more hazardous than their ascent, (b) - lineage. Vladimir is of Russian descent.
  • DESSERT (noun) (desert) - the final course of a meal, usually something sweet. We had apple pie for dessert last night.
  • DESERT (noun) (desert) - a hot, dry place. It is difficult to survive in the desert without water.
  • DESERT (verb) (desert) - abandon. After deserting his post, the soldier ran away from the camp.
  • LATER (adverb) - a time in the future or following a previous action. We went to the movies and later had ice cream at Dairy Isle.
  • LATTER (adjective) - last of two things mentioned. Germany and England both developed dirigibles for use during World War II, the latter primarily for coastal reconnaissance, (latter = England).
  • LOOSE (adjective) - opposite of tight. After dieting, Marcy found that her clothes had become so loose that she had to buy a new wardrobe.
  • LOSE (verb) (a) - to be unable to find something. Mary lost her glasses last week. (b) - opposite of win. If Harry doesn’t practice his tennis more, he may lose the match.
  • PASSED (verb - past tense of pass) (a) - elapse. Five hours passed before the jury reached its verdict, (b) - go by or beyond. While we were sitting in the park, several of our friends passed us. (c) - succeed. The students are happy that they passed their exams.
  • PAST (a) (adjective) - a time or event before the present. This past week has been very hectic for the students returning to the university, (b) (noun) - time before the present. In the past, he had been a cook, a teacher, and a historian.
  • PEACE (noun) - harmony or freedom from war. Peace was restored to the community after a week of rioting.
  • PIECE (noun) - part of a whole. Heidi ate a piece of chocolate cake for dessert.
  • PRINCIPAL (a) (noun) - director of an elementary or secondary school. The principal called a faculty meeting, (b) (adjective) - main or most important. An anthropologist, who had worked with the indigenous tribes in Australia, was the principal speaker at Friday’s luncheon.
  • PRINCIPLE (noun) - fundamental rule or adherence to such a rule. Mr. Connors is a man who believes that truthfulness is the best principle.
  • QUIET (adjective) - serene, without noise. The night was so quiet that you could hear the breeze blowing.
  • QUITE (adverb) (a) - completely. Louise is quite capable of taking over the household chores while her mother is away. (b) - somewhat or rather. He was quite tired after his first day of classes.
  • QUIT (verb) - stop. Herman quit smoking on his doctor’s advice.
  • STATIONARY (adjective) - nonmovable, having a fixed location. The weatherman said that the warm front would be stationary for several days.
  • STATIONERY (noun) - special writing paper. Lucille used only monogrammed stationery for correspondence.
  • THAN (conjunction) - used in unequal comparisons. Today’s weather is better than yesterday’s.
  • THEN (adverb) - a time following a previously mentioned time. First, Julie filled out her schedule; then, she paid her fees.
  • THEIR (adjective) - plural possessive adjective. Their team scored the most points during the game.
  • THERE (adverb) (a) - location away from here. Look over there between the trees, (b) - used with the verb be to indicate existence. There is a book on the teacher’s desk.
  • THEY’RE (pronoun + verb) - contraction of they + are. They’re leaving on the noon flight to Zurich.
  • TO (preposition) - toward, until, as far as. Go to the blackboard and write out the equation.
  • TWO (noun or adjective) - number following one. Two theories have been proposed to explain that incident.
  • TOO (adverb) (a) - excessively. This morning was too cold for the children to go swimming, (b) - also. Jane went to the movie, and we did too.
  • WEATHER (noun) - atmospheric conditions. Our flight was de­layed because of bad weather.
  • WHETHER (conjunction) - if, indicates a choice. Because of the gas shortage, we do not know whether we will go away for our vacation or stay home.
  • WHOSE (pronoun) - possessive relative pronoun or adjective. The person whose name is drawn first will win the grand prize.
  • WHO’S (relative pronoun + verb) - contraction of who + is or who + has. Who’s your new biology professor? Scott is the attorney who’s been reviewing this case.
  • YOUR (adjective) - possessive of you. We are all happy about your accepting the position with the company in Baltimore.
  • YOU’RE (pronoun + verb) - contraction of you + are. You’re going to enjoy the panorama from the top of the hill.


 Kata-kata berikut ini menimbulkan masalah kepada pembicara ketika ia tidak dapat membedakannya. Kata-kata berikut ini memiliki makna / pengucapan yang mirip, namun tidak dapat digunakan secara bergantian. Oleh karena itu, pahamilah pegerrtian dan kegunaan masing-masing kata sebelum digunakan didalam pembicaraan.

  • ACCEPT (verb) - to take what is given. Professor Perez will accept the chairmanship of the humanities department.
  • EXCEPT (preposition)  - excluding or omitting a thing or person. Everyone is going to the convention except Bob, who has to work.
  • ACCESS (noun) - availability, way of gaining entrance. The teachers had no access to the students’ files, which were locked in the principal’s office.
  • EXCESS (a) (adjective) - abundant, superfluous. We paid a surcharge on our excess baggage, (b) (noun) - extra amount. The demand for funds was in excess of the actual need.
  • ADVICE (noun) - opinion given to someone, counseling. If you heed the teacher’s advice, you will do well in your studies.
  • ADVISE (verb) - act of giving an opinion or counsel. The Congress advised the president against signing the treaty at that time.
  • AFFECT (verb) - to produce a change in. The doctors wanted to see how the medication would affect the patient.
  • EFFECT (a) (noun) - end result or consequence. The children suffered no ill effects from their long plane ride. (b) (verb) - to produce as a result. To effect a change in city government we must all vote on Tuesday.
  • AGAIN (adverb) - repetition of an action, one more time. Mike wrote to the publishers again, inquiring about his manuscript.
  • AGAINST (preposition) (a) - in opposition to someone or something. The athletic director was against our dancing in the new gym. (b) - next to, adjacent. The boy standing against the piano is my cousin Bill.
  • ALREADY (adverb) - an action that happened at an indefinite time before the present. Jan’s plane had already landed before we got to the airport.
  • AMONG (preposition) - shows a relationship or selection involving three or more entities. It was difficult to select a winner from among so many contestants.
  • BETWEEN (preposition) - shows a relationship or selection involving only two entities. Between writing her book and teaching, Mary Ellen had little time for anything else. NOTE: When between is followed by two nouns or noun phrases, the two nouns or noun phrases must be separated by and and never by or.
  • BESIDE (preposition) - next to. There is a small table beside the bed.
  • BESIDES (preposition or adverb) - in addition to, also, moreover. I have five history books here besides the four that I left at home.
  • ASIDE (adverb) - to one side. Harry sets money aside every payday for his daughter’s education.
  • CONSECUTIVE (adjective) - indicates an uninterrupted sequence. Today is the tenth consecutive day of this unbearable heat wave.
  • SUCCESSIVE (adjective) - indicates a series of separate events. The United States won gold medals in two successive Olympic Games.
  • CONSIDERABLE (adjective) - rather large amount or degree. Even though Marge had considerable experience in the field, she was not hired for the job.
  • CONSIDERATE (adjective) - thoughtful, polite. It was very considerate of Harry to send his hostess a bouquet of flowers.
  • CREDIBLE (adjective) - believable. His explanation of the rescue at sea seemed credible.
  • CREDITABLE (adjective) - worthy of praise. The fireman’s daring rescue of those trapped in the burning building was a creditable deed.
  • CREDULOUS (adjective) - gullible. Rita is so credulous that she will accept any excuse you offer.
  • DETRACT (verb) - take away or lessen the value of a person or thing. Molly’s nervousness detracted from her singing.
  • DISTRACT (verb) - cause a lack of mental concentration on what one is doing or the goals one has set. Please don’t distract your father while he is balancing the checkbook.
  • DEVICE (noun) - an invention or plan. This is a clever device for cleaning fish without getting pinched by the scales.
  • DEVISE (verb) - invent, create, contrive. The general devised a plan for attacking the enemy camp at night while the soldiers were celebrating.
  • ELICIT (verb) - draw out, evoke. The prosecutor’s barrage of questions finally elicited the truth from the witness.
  • ILLICIT (adjective) - unlawful. The politician’s illicit dealings with organized crime caused him to lose his government position.
  • EMIGRANT (noun) - one who leaves one’s own country to live in another. After World War II, many emigrants left Europe to go to the United States.
  • IMMIGRANT (noun) - one who comes to a new country to settle. The United States is a country composed of immigrants. NOTE: The verbs are emigrate and immigrate. It is possible to be both an emigrant and an immigrant at the same time as one leaves one’s own country (emigrant) and arrives in another country (immi­grant) to settle.
  • EXAMPLE (noun) - anything used to prove a point. Picasso’s Guernica is an excellent example of expressionism in art.
  • SAMPLE (noun) - a representative part of a whole. My niece loves to go to the supermarket because the dairy lady always gives her a sample of cheese.
  • FORMERLY (adverb) - previously. He formerly worked as a profes­sor, but now he is a physicist.
  • FORMALLY (adverb) (a) - an elegant way of dressing, usually a tuxedo for men and a long gown for women. At the resort we were required to dress formally for dinner every night, (b) - properly, officially. She has formally requested a name change.
  • HARD (adjective) (a) - difficult. The test was so hard that nobody passed, (b) - opposite of soft. The stadium seats were hard, so we rented a cushion, (adverb) (c) - with great effort. They worked hard on the project.
  • HARDLY (adverb) - barely, scarcely. He had so much work to do after the vacation that he hardly knew where to begin.
  • HELPLESS (adjective) - unable to remedy (an animate thing is helpless). Because I could not speak their language, I felt helpless trying to understand the tourists’ plight.
  • USELESS (adjective) - worthless, unserviceable. An umbrella is useless in a hurricane.
  • HOUSE (noun) and HOME (noun) are many times used interchangeably, but there exists a difference in meaning, (a) House refers to the building or structure. The Chapmans are building a new house in Buckingham Estates, (b) Home refers to the atmosphere or feeling of domestic tranquility found in a house. Home is where the heart is.
  • IMMORAL (adjective) - against the moral law, bad, evil. Their immoral behavior in front of the students cost the teachers their jobs.
  • IMPLICIT (adjective) - understood, but not specifically stated. Our supervisor has implicit faith in our ability to finish this project on time.
  • EXPLICIT (adjective) - expressed in a clear and precise manner. The professor gave explicit instructions for carrying out the research project.
  • INDUSTRIAL (adjective) - pertaining to industry. Paul had an industrial accident and was in the hospital for three months.
  • INDUSTRIOUS (adjective) - diligent, hardworking. Mark was such an industrious student that he received a four-year scholarship to the university.
  • INFLICT (verb) - impose something unwelcome. Because the prisoners had created a riot and had assaulted several guards, the warden inflicted severe punishments on all the participants.
  • AFFLICT (verb) - cause physical or mental pain. During the Middle Ages, millions of people were afflicted by the plague.
  • ASPIRATION (noun) (a) - ambition, desire, goal. Gail’s lifelong aspiration has been that of becoming a doctor, (b) - expulsion of breath. To pronounce certain words, proper aspiration is necessary.
  • INTELLIGENT (adjective) - possessing a great deal of mental ability. Dan was so intelligent that he received good grades without ever having to study.
  • INTELLIGIBLE (adjective) - clear, easily understood. The science teacher’s explanations were so intelligible that students had no problems doing their assignments.
  • INTELLECTUAL (a) (noun) - any person who possesses a great deal of knowledge. Because Fabian is an intellectual, he finds it difficult to associate with his classmates who are less intelligent. (b) (adjective) - wise. John was involved in an intellectual conversation with his old professor.
  • INTENSE (adjective) - extreme. Last winter’s intense cold almost depleted the natural gas supply.
  • INTENSIVE (adjective) - concentrated. Before going to Mexico, Phil took an intensive course in Spanish.
  • LATE (a) (adjective or adverb) - not punctual. Professor Carmi-chael hates to see his students arrive late. (b) (adjective) - no longer living. Her late husband was the author of that book.
  • LATELY (adverb) - recently. I haven’t seen Burt lately. He must be extremely busy with his research.
  • LEARN (verb) - obtain knowledge. The new cashier had to learn how to operate the computerized cash register.
  • TEACH (verb) - impart knowledge. The instructor is teaching us how to program computers.
  • LEND (verb) and LOAN (verb) - give something for temporary use with the promise of returning it. (Lend and loan as verbs may be used interchangeably.) Jill loaned (lent) me her red dress to wear to the dance.
  • BORROW (verb) - receive something for temporary use with the promise of returning it. I borrowed Jill’s red dress to wear to the dance.
  • LIQUEFY (verb) - change to a watery or liquid state. The ice cream began to liquefy in the intense heat.
  • LIQUIDATE (verb) - eliminate, get rid of, change to cash. The foreign agents tried to liquidate the traitor before he passed the information to his contacts.
  • LONELY (adjective) - depressed feeling as a result of abandonment or being alone. After her husband’s death, Debbie was very lonely and withdrawn.
  • ALONE (adjective) - physical state of solitude, unaccompanied. After losing in the Olympic tryouts, Phil asked to be left alone.
  • NEAR (preposition or adverb) - used to indicate a place not too far distant. My biology class meets near the Student Union.
  • NEARLY (adverb) - almost. We were nearly hit by the speeding car on the turnpike.
  • OBSERVATION (noun) - act of paying attention to or being paid attention. The ancient Egyptians’ observation of the heavenly bodies helped them know when to plant and harvest.
  • OBSERVANCE (noun) - act of following custom or ceremony. There will be numerous parades and displays of fireworks in observance of Independence Day.
  • PERSECUTE (verb) - torture, harass. Throughout history many people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs.
  • PROSECUTE (verb) - in legal terms, to bring suit against or enforce a law through a legal process. Shoplifters will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
  • PRECEDE (verb) - to come before. Weather Service warnings preceded the hurricane.
  • PROCEED (verb) - continue an action after a rest period or interruption. After the fire drill, the teacher proceeded to explain the experiment to the physics class.
  • QUANTITY (noun) - used with non-count nouns to indicate amount, bulk. A large quantity of sand was removed before the archeologists found the prehistoric animal bones.
  • NUMBER (noun) - used with count nouns to designate individual amount. A number of artifacts were found at the excavation site.
  • REMEMBER (verb) - to recall or think of again. I do not remember what time he asked me to call. You don’t remember me, do you?
  • REMIND (verb) - to cause (someone) to remember, to bring into (someone’s) mind. Please remind me to call Henry at 7 o’clock tonight. Henry reminds me of my uncle.
  • SENSIBLE (adjective) - having good judgment. When it is raining hard, sensible people stay indoors.
  • ESPECIALLY (adverb) - particularly. Rita is especially talented in the fine arts. She has a special talent for playing music by ear.
  • USE (noun) - act of putting into practice or service, application. The salesman said that regular use of fertilizer would ensure a greener, healthier lawn.
  • USAGE (noun) - way in which something is used. Norm Crosby’s usage of English vocabulary in his comedy routine is hilarious.


Preposition (kata depan) adalah kata yang diletakan di depan atau sebelum kata benda. Kegunaan Preposition yaitu untuk menerangkan letak atau posisi benda atau yang lainnya.


1. about :
- tentang / mengenai
Contoh :
I want to talk about him.
(Saya ingin berbicara tentang dia.)

- kira-kira / sekitar
Contoh :
They will meet you at about 4 o'clock.
(Mereka akan bertemu dengan kamu sekitar jam 4.)

2. above :
- di atas
Contoh :
The birds fly above the trees.
(Burung-burung terbang di atas pepohonan.)

- lebih dari
Contoh :
There are above two hundred students in the school.
(Ada lebih dari dua ratus murid-murid di sekolah.)

3. after : sesudah
Contoh :
You can come after finnishing your work.
(Kamu dapat datang setelah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahmu.)

4.  against : bertentangan / berlawanan
Contoh :
Her decision is against my idea.
(Keputusannya bertentangan dengan pendapat saya.)

5. along : sepanjang
Contoh :
There are some houses along the street.
(Ada beberapa rumah sepanjang jalan.)

6. among : diantara banyak
Contoh :
He is the best teacher among us.
(Dia adalah guru terbaik diantara kami.)

7. at :
- di, menunjukan tempat
Contoh :
You can see me at my office.
(Kamu dapat bertemu saya di kantor.)

- pada, menunjukan waktu
Contoh :
They arrived at 8 o'clock two days ago.
(Mereka telah tiba pada jam 8 dua hari yang lalu.)

- ke arah
Contoh :
He runs at me.
(Dia berlari ke arah saya.)

- untuk menunjukan nomor rumah
Contoh :
I lived at Jl.Hanjuang Raya No.28 Tangerang Selatan.
(Saya tinggal di Jl. Hanjuang Raya No.28 Tangerang Selatan.)

8. before : sebelum
Contoh :
I'll be there before 6 o'clock.
(Saya akan ada disana sebelum jam 6.)

9. below : di bawah
Contoh :
Read these sentences below!
(Baca kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini!)

10. beside : disamping
Contoh :
He is sitting beside me.
(Dia duduk disamping saya.)

11. besides : selain
Contoh :
Besides Risa everybody goes camping.
(Selain Risa setiap orang pergi berkemah.)

12. between : diantara
Contoh :
There is a high wall between you and me.
(Ada dinding yang tinggi diantara kamu dan saya.)

13. close to : dekat
Contoh :
There is an accident close to me.
(Ada sebuah kecelakaan dekat saya.)

14. down : ke bawah
Contoh :
I walked down the hill last Monday.
(Saya berjalan ke bawah bukit hari Senin yang lalu.)

15. during : selama
Contoh :
There were many peoples injured during the flood.
(Ada beberapa orang  terluka selama banjir.)

16. except : kecuali
Contoh :
All students can go except you.
(Semua murid dapat pergi kecuali kamu.)

17. for : 
a. untuk
Contoh :
I write a letter for my Mom.
(Saya menulis sebuah surat untuk Ibu ku.)

b. selama
Contoh :
I have lived here for twenty years.
(Saya tinggal disini selama duapuluh tahun.)

c. atas nama
Contoh :
He signed the contract for my headmaster.
(Dia menandatangani kontrak atas nama kepala sekolah.)

18. from : dari
Contoh :
He comes from Japan.
(Dia datang dari Jepang.)

19. in :
a. di dalam
Contoh :
We are in the classroom now.
(Kami berada di kelas sekarang.)

b. untuk menunjukan bulan
Contoh :
I will visit you in May.
(Saya akan mengunjungimu bulan Mei.)

c. untuk  menunjukan tahun
Contoh :
I was born in 1995.
(Saya lahir tahun 1995.)

d. untuk menunjukan nama kota
Contoh :
I was born in Sukabumi.
(Saya lahir di Sukabumi.)

e. untuk menunjukan musim
Contoh :
in summer = di musim panas
in winter = di musim dingin

20. into : ke dalam
Contoh :
Translate these paragraph  into English.
(Terjemahkan paragrap-paragrap ini ke dalam bahasa Inggris.)

21. on : 
a. di atas
Contoh :
There are three bowls are on the table.
(Ada tiga mangkuk di atas meja.)

b. untuk menunjukan hari
Contoh :
We have flag ceremony on Monday.
(Kami mengikuti upacara bendera pada hari senin.)

c. untuk menunjukan tanggal
Contoh :
He was born on April 21st.
(Dia lahir pada 21 April.)

22. over : di atas
Contoh :
What is that over your hand?
(Apa itu yang ada di atas tanganmu?

23. since : sejak
Contoh :
I have lived here since 1993.
(Saya tinggal disini sejak tahun 1993.)

24. toward : ke arah
Contoh :
The cat runs toward the garden.
(Kucing berlari ke arah kebun.)

25. under : di bawah
Contoh :
There is a ball under the chair.
(Ada bola di bawah kursi.)

26. with : dengan
Contoh :
I will always be with you.
(Saya akan selalu denganmu.)

27. without : tanpa
He came to my home without his friends.
(Dia datang ke rumah saya tanpa temannya.)

Idiom merupakan sebuah bentuk frase kata yang diucapkan dengan makna tertentu oleh sang pembicara atau native speaker. Artinya, idiom bahasa Inggris merupakan frase kata yang dihasilkan langsung dari orang-orang Inggris dan Amerika.  

Idiom sangat penting untuk dipelajari karena dalam pembelajaran suatu bahasa, maka anda juga harus menyentuh budaya bahasa tersebut. Idiom juga tidak memiliki arti yang sama / mutak / persis secara harfiah karena sejatinya itu merupakan ungkapan yang melambangkan makna tertentu. Beberapa contoh idiom pada Bahasa Inggris antara lain :

A Blessing In Disguise:                                                   
Sesuatu yang baik tidak diakui pada awalnya.                                                     

Add Fuel To The Fire:                                                    
Sesuatu yang silakukan untuk memperburuk situasi.                                                      

Birds of the same Feather
Orang-orang dengan perilaku / pola pikir yang sama.

Back To Square One:
Mulai lagi dari awal.

A Leopard Can’t Change His Spots:                                                          
Anda tidak akan mampu mengubah siapa diri anda.                                                                                                       

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words:                                                       
Presentasi visual akan jauh lebih deskriptif dibandingkan dengan kata-kata.      

A Piece of Cake:                                                             
Sebuah tugas yang dapat diselesaikan dengan mudah.                                                 

A Slap on the Wrist:                                                      
Sebuah hukuman yang sangat ringan.                                                   

A Taste Of Your Own Medicine:                                                               
Anda diperlakukan dengan cara yang sama dengan anda memperlakukan orang lain.

Adjective (kata sifat) digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang atau sesuatu.
 penggunaan yang lebih kompleks dengan mengombinasikannya dengan preposition (kata depan) yang berfungsi menghubungkannya dengan suatu objek.

Kombinasi adjective dan preposition di dalam kalimat digunakan untuk membuat kalimat baru tetapi tidak mengubah arti dari kata kerja seperti halnya dengan kata kerja dua kata.

Tidak semua adjective memiliki “pasangan” preposition dan ada sebagi an adjective yang dapat menggunakan beberapa preposition. Sayangnya tidak ada pola khusus untuk membentuk kombinasi tersebut. Kita hanya perlu menemukan dan mengingatnya.

Source :
Fanani, Achmad. ,2009. Tips-tips terbaik lolos TOEFL, Jogjakarta: Mitra Pelajar.


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